Project Settings

Overall project settings may be viewed and customized via the Properties button in the Main Menu

Available Properties

All properties are available for both surveys and modules (question sets do not have project properties). Properties are grouped into sections:

  • General – mandatory properties (e.g. client name, survey title), along with frequently used properties (e.g. logo, skin).
  • Advanced – less frequently used properties and information.
  • System – system properties, not frequently edited.

Properties Tab

Property Section What Does It Do?
01 Client Name


Specifies the name of the survey client
02 Survey Title


Specifies the survey title
03 Version No


The version number of the current project (not editable)
04 Survey Notes


Enter any comments or notes relating to the survey here
05 Version Created Advanced The time at which the current survey version was created (not editable)
06 Version Modified Advanced The time at which the current survey version was last modified (not editable)
07 InvitationOnly General Limits the survey so that only those who have received a survey invitation can complete the survey. Leave box unchecked for surveys where the same survey link can be used to submit more than one survey
08 Project Type Advanced Controls the current project type: Survey, Module or Question Set
09 Published Date


The date of the current project's publication (not editable)
10 Clear On Previous


For surveys with the Back button enabled. By default, this box is checked, so that when a respondent clicks the Back button within the survey, all data is cleared when the page is reloaded. Uncheck the box for surveys where you want the respondent to see and edit their previously entered responses on the page when they go back.
11 Use Jquery Mobile Advanced  
13 Is Panel Survey Advanced Check this box if the survey will be sent to an external panel, or database
14 Panel Survey Parameter


For surveys that are being sent to an external panel or database, enter the panel's respondent ID variable name here
15 Panel Days Before Repeat


If required, exclude panel respondents from the current survey if they have completed another survey within the number of days specified here
16 Survey Engine System

Use the drop down box to select another version of the Survey Engine (not recommended - the most recent version of Survey Shaper is selected by default)

17 Default Group


80 Survey Id


The ID number of the current survey, used to identify the survey with Survey Shaper (not editable)
81 Survey Guid System The globally unique ID number, used in the survey URL (not editable)

Style Tab

Property Section What Does It Do?
01 Desktop Logo General

Sets the logo for the survey when viewed in a desktop environment

02 Mobile Logo General

Sets the logo for the survey when viewed in a mobile environment

03 Tablet Logo General

Sets the logo for the survey when viewed in a tablet environment

04 Desktop Skin General Sets the skin for the survey when viewed in a desktop environment
05 Mobile Skin General Sets the skin for the survey when viewed in a mobile environment
06 Tablet Skin General

Sets the skin for the survey when viewed in a tablet environment

07 Flat Skin General

Sets the skin for the survey when viewed in a flat environment

08 Show Back Button General

Controls whether a back button is displayed to survey respondents

10 Display Question No. Advanced

Controls whether the current question number is displayed to survey respondents

11 Display Header Advanced

Controls whether a header is displayed for this project

12 Show Progress Advanced

Controls whether a progress bar is displayed to survey respondents

14 Theme Advanced Sets a theme for this project